Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Indian Ocean Essay Example for Free
The Indian Ocean Essay In 2004, the world most saw one of the most destroying cataclysmic events that had happened over the most recent 100 years. On December 26th of that year, a seismic tremor in the Indian Ocean produced a colossal wave that killed thousands in the encompassing terrains. In the months following the tidal wave, many thought about what steps could be assumed to limit human misfortune in case of such an unavoidable characteristic occasion. Thus, researchers started to look for an improved early ready framework to distinguish tidal waves. Just about two years after the Indian Ocean seismic tremor, NASA’s Earth Observatory declared the improvement of another ocean bottom weight recording framework that is intended to distinguish waves not long after their turn of events. The new framework is relied upon to stretch out alarm times notwithstanding maintaining a strategic distance from bogus alerts. The undertaking is being regulated by the German National Research Center for Geosciences, situated in Potsdam, Germany. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research are coordinating the task. Moreover, Optimare and develogic are organizations that are dealing with the acoustic-based bit of the framework known as PACT. See more points Road security. The Zentrum hide Marine Umweltswissenschaft and the University of Rhode Island are additionally chipping away at PACT. In spite of the fact that for the most part thought to be a solitary monster sea wave, torrents are really made of different waves. In numerous cases, the influenced shoreline can be over and again hit by a few enormous waves. Tidal waves are brought about by an unexpected movement in the sea depths which can be the consequence of a seismic tremor, volcanic emission, a submerged avalanche, or the effect of a huge shooting star. Most waves are brought about by seismic tremors that begin in subduction zones, or zones where a maritime plate is being constrained into the earth’s mantle. Where there is a lot of erosion between two plates, the abrogating plate can get contorted and therefore a lot of vitality is put away, frequently over many years of hundreds of years. After the put away seismic vitality surpasses the frictional powers between the two plates, the misshaped plate unexpectedly comes back to its unique position and a quake results. The overlying water is dislodged, producing enormous waves that spread outward from the focal point. The recently evolved framework estimates vibration and even ocean bottom developments so as to find seaquakes, which might produce waves. The estimations that are taken from the ocean bottom are gotten and investigated with a matter of only a couple of moments. Information is gathered and investigated like clockwork. Water levels are likewise marked off the coast utilizing base compel sensors to distinguish any ascents in ocean level before the enormous waves come to the shallower waters along the coast. So far the framework has demonstrated to be minimized, dependable, and vitality proficient. Now, an acoustic modem sends data to a subsequent modem, which sends a satellite message, or wire, to the notice place, conveying warning of a wave. Following two years of advancement, none of the messages were lost, which accepted to be an early sign of the system’s pivotal unwavering quality. The new framework will be executed into the prior worldwide framework which is utilized to identify wave occasions. Further testing will be directed in the Mediterranean. The engineers will likewise analyze the unwavering quality of the system’s capacity to transmit under various climate conditions. The advancement of this improved framework shows incredible advancement in the push to give successful admonitions to tidal waves, consequently diminishing the quantity of setbacks. The potential for the achievement of this framework has been demonstrated in a progression of effective tests and the way that no messages have been lost to date. Much despite everything is not yet clear, be that as it may, in deciding the constraints of the framework and finding factors like climate conditions may add to decreased effectiveness of the framework. The article doesn't make reference to the significant part of how the individuals who are in the way of a torrent will be told that they may empty so as to maintain a strategic distance from the catastrophe. This is of specific significance on account of remote towns and regions where mechanical foundation may not be created to the degree of increasingly industrialized districts. Regardless of how rapidly the information is gathered and transmitted to the notice place, it is basic that the data in regards to the moving toward tidal wave be conveyed to the individuals who might be influenced in an opportune way. Conveying data to remote locales might be a test that the designers should deliver as they endeavor to address the issue for early notice in the territories that lie along the Indian Ocean. Despite the fact that there are as yet potential worries that should be assessed, it is promising that a propelled framework has been set up over a moderately brief timeframe. Moreover, there is presently a ready framework in a district where already no such instrument existed. This may give more noteworthy security and readiness to a district that has just observed the pulverization that a tidal wave can do. On the off chance that the framework keeps on being effective and is executed into the worldwide framework, it will in the long run spare numerous lives and it might likewise permit researchers to get familiar with the seismic action that happens under the sea depths. Taking everything into account, NASA’s article gives an educational report on a significant achievement in the advancement of a framework that won't just assistance individuals over the earth get ready for catastrophic events, however that likewise may prompt noteworthy revelations that could permit researchers to extra significant finds that can assist us with bettering comprehend our planet Works Cited Earth Observatory. Tidal wave recording in the Deep Sea. 25 November 2007. NASA. 17 November 2007. http://earthobservatory. nasa. gov/Newsroom/MediaAlerts/2007/2007111925951. html.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International Corporate Entrepreneurship And Role Of Middle Management
Worldwide Corporate Entrepreneurship And Role Of Middle Management Center administration has critical significance in the corporate pioneering process yet out of the blue it has got little consideration in the past research and scholarly writing. Center administration has extraordinary impact on hierarchical dynamic, procedure making and in usage of these methodologies because of their focal spot in the administration chain of importance. This section envelops the scholastic writing applicable to center administration and their job during the time spent corporate business enterprise (CE). It will start with essential ideas of center administration and corporate innovative procedures, their definitions and clarifications. Past writing will be introduced later on in this area with respect to center administration to legitimize the both positive and negative sides of center administrations job and effect on the corporate enterprising exercises by the specialists. This will at that point follow a counter contention to talk about the pretended different powers (higher administration, first level directors and representatives) so as to impact the CE procedure. The corporate pioneering process requires advancement and change so as to stay successful in the business and this will be survey in the light of past writing to look at the procedure of hierarchical change. The last piece of this segment will focus on the issues like change execution and their disappointment in association. Likewise writing will be looked into with respect to drivers like hierarchical citizenship, authoritative advancement and ability to use both hands that impact authoritative changes by implication. What is Entrepreneurship? The term business enterprise was utilized as a monetary term in the mid eighteen century and depicted as a procedure bearing a danger of purchasing and selling items or administrations at certain and unsure costs by Cantillon (1855) as refered to in Grebel et al. (2003). Grebel et al. (2003) further expanded the term by including and uniting the creation factors in it. Be that as it may, this definition brings up barely any issues whether there was any uniqueness about the enterprising capacities or it was simply one more type of the board. Later the meaning of business enterprise was included with the idea of advancement which incorporates the item development, process development, advertise advancement or even hierarchical advancement. This definition widens the idea of business and portrays it as the maker of new endeavors and pictures the business person as originator and pioneer. Characterizing Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) was portrayed as a procedure that can be utilized by people inside an association to make openings regardless of the assets they are holding (Stevenson et al., 1999). Numerous scientists characterized CE as a procedure of authoritative reestablishment (Peterson and Berger 1972; Hill and Hlavacek 1972; Hannan 1976; Quinn 1979, and Sathe 1989), while others portrayed it as the joined enterprising endeavors dependent on the hierarchical assets and responsibilities so as to play out the inventive elements of association so as to build up the item, procedure or development (Covin and Miles 1999; Naman and slevin 1993, Miller and Friesen 1982; Burgleman 1984; Kanter 1985; Alterowitz 1988; and Zahra and Covin 1995). As indicated by Sharma and Chrisman (1999) there are three kinds of marvels into reality for CE that could possibly be connected. These are: a) Creation of new business from a current one b) Transformation or restoration of an association c) Innovation The formation of new business was portrayed as the interior corporate wandering by Zajac, Golden and Shortell (1991) while Pinchot (1985) called it enterprise endeavor. Then again the procedure of restoration of association was viewed as key recharging (Guth and Ginsberg, 1990), authoritative reestablishment (Baden and Stopford, 1994) and vital change, change and recovery of association (Shendel, 1990). By illuminating these thoughts Sharma and Chrisman (1999) characterizes CE as the procedure where people or gathering of people make new association inside a current association or discover advancement in that association. The pioneering endeavors that bring about the making of new business association are known as corporate wandering and the came about development could misuse the methods of item offering in the current or new market. The examination of these various measurements and approaches of CE can be finished up with the investigation of Gartner (1988) who depict it as a multifaceted idea that requires some major transformational changes so as to build up the entire thought of CE. Center Management and the Organization Dobson and Stewart (1993) and Turbalull (1998) worried on the need of a more clear definition for the term center troughs, as the degrees of center administration in an organization as inadequately laid out as a unit of examination. Center administration is essentially utilized as a strategic work power to dispense with the holes between the senior administration and the sub-ordinates at the lower end of authoritative progressive system and furthermore to actualize the hierarchical strategies made by the senior administration. Two sorts of center administrators were recognized by Currie (1999) in associations: authority center chiefs for the jobs like advertising, HR or fund; activity center directors that arrange tasks between offices. Albeit both administration types are significant for any association yet the expert capacities or limit crossing exercises get the need. The investment of master center chiefs in hierarchical exercises shows up more frequently when contrasted with the tasks supervisors who center around interior activities more (Wooldridge, 1997). The significance of center administration and their job as a specialist in getting the change contemporary association was first brought into consideration by Bower (1970). Be that as it may, the following decade or two accompanied a little precise research so as to characterize the extension and nature of center administration and their commitment towards the authoritative development and business enterprise. Albeit numerous scientists and creators (Peters and Waterman, 1982; Kanter, 1983; Pinchott, 1985; Drucker, 1985; Burgelman and Sayles, 1986) have contended on the various parts of center administrations commitments towards CE while others (Schuler, 1986; Woolridge and Floyd, 1990) talked about their job in the companys system which is another significant variable of CE (Guth and Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1991). Center Managements Role in Operations As indicated by Floyd and Lane (2000) working level supervisors ingests the applicable thoughts and data from outside the firm while additionally giving a positive reaction to the center level administrations data which depends on the top-level administration key thoughts. Each administrative job is not quite the same as other and various activities are related with every one of them (Miller and Camp, 1985) yet here the conversation will spin around the center administration, their corporate pioneering exercises and their conduct towards CE. At the end of the day, when duty is made by the all administration levels so as to seek after the CE related exercises, at that point its center administrators obligation to impart through all authoritative level for the successful progression of data for the usage and advancement of venture. The job center administration and their significance in the advancement procedure in an association were perceived by Quinn (1985) and who was likewise among the first to call attention to the esteemed part played by the center administration CE. He likewise perceived that the top-level administration is disconnected from the every day floor tasks and it is significant for center administration to assume vital job in encouraging the organization objectives and targets. This significance in the authoritative structure offers them a chance to connect with the representatives and support them towards advancement while facing the determined challenge. Center administration and the Corporate Entrepreneurship The writing (Floyd Lane, 2000; Ireland, Hitt, Vaidyanath, 2002) recommends that in any association administrators assume fundamental job whatsoever degrees of authoritative structure and contribute towards organization achievement. In basic setting, the top level administration includes in vital job where their responsibility is to manage key dynamic and set clear bearing towards companys objectives and destinations. Then again, center supervisors work is to overcome any barrier between two unmistakable parts of the bargains for example top-level chiefs and working level supervisors and their center is the compelling correspondence between the two channels. This isn't a simple activity and to satisfy the necessities of their activity the correspondence ought to be conveyed to the two parts of the bargains so as to make the imaginativeness of all specialty units including item and administration. As indicated by Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) the center chiefs are not just empower the pioneering activities like making new open doors for association or take part in authoritative recharging yet in addition keeping the inventiveness of likewise these innovative activities . Different scientists (Kanter, 1985; Ginsberg Hay, 1994; Pearce, Kramer, Robbins, 1997; Floyd Lane, 2000) depicted the center directors as facilitator between the two administrative levels and how they assume their job to shape the enterprising activity set by the top-level administration for them. Because of the interest of their job center administrators need to accommodate the top-level techniques and usage issues at the base finish of progressive system as these decide the skills and furthermore the presentation of association. There is solid connection between the organizations execution and center directors discernment about the qualities of competency (strategies, accord and embeddedness) and this separate s them from the principal level administrators and take them clo
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Emotionally intelligent
Emotionally intelligent The key skills required to be more Emotionally Intelligent are well reported and well known: we need to be more empathic and compassionate; more aware of how we and others are feelings. Pretty much all the competences and benefits of having a higher Emotional Quotient stem from these few essential life-skills. © | ImageFlowThe trouble is, the process of becoming more Emotionally Intelligent is rather a chicken and egg affair: we need to be aware to become more aware! It’s rather like learning to ride a bike: the only way to learn it is to just do it! So what is the EQ equivalent to stabilisers? How can we get a feel for what it’s all about without too much risk of falling off and getting hurt?Be willing to be hurt! Does a baby worry about getting hurt when taking its first faltering steps? Is a lonely person ever going to be anything other than lonely unless and until they open their heart?CONTROL CONQUER YOUR EMOTIONS?There is a common misconception with regard to EI: that it’s about controlling our emotions, holding them back. Yes, sometimes that may be necessary and appropriate, but more usually we need to recognise emotions for what they are.For example: We’ve had a first date, or a first meeting with a potential business partner. We felt it went OK, but we†™re not sure whether to proceed any further. We feel uneasy.Those on a conscious EI path will, at this point, stop what they’re doing. This is vital. Giving ourselves time to reflect is an essential part of the process. How can we hope to improve our EQ unless we put time and focus our attention into it? Whatever skill one is developing, it won’t happen without commitment.TAKE YOUR TIME TO DEVELOP YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThere are many ways of teasing out what is going on in our hearts and minds when it comes to becoming more aware. Here are a few that are worth experimenting with: find the ones that work best for you and be prepared to switch between techniques at different time.Go for a walk in nature, stopping to admire clouds, insects, blooms: whatever you see on the walk. Take your time. There’s no rush. Giving our mind something natural and, many would say, wonderful, to reflect on, frees the rational mind. It puts it into neutral and thus allows deeper thoughts and f eelings to surface.After a 20 minute walk you may find that the new partner situation, for example, is now clearer: perhaps remembering how your prospective partner kept interrupting you and wouldn’t let you finish your sentences. Not a good trait or helpful for a harmonious relationship of any sort!Now reflect on a piece of truth that so often comes into the EI journey: that which annoys us in others is often a problem of our own. This is projection, or reflection. Noticing somebody else’s faults is a good first step, but an even more important one is to see and admit ours. So go back to the memory of the meeting. You’re talking. Do you notice that they’re ready to say something and let them into the conversation . . . or ignore it .. or not even notice it? Who did most of the talking, you or them? Did discussions flow to and from you freely and easily?By stepping back and answering these questions we are beginning the process of becoming more aware.Understand why emoti onal intelligence is sooo important. KNOW YOUR ONOIONSIt’s a process rather like peeling the skin off an onion. And, like onion peeling, it may bring about a few tears. If you’re serious about becoming more intelligent emotionally, you’ll need to get used to tears! They’re our friends, our indicators: that some emotion that had been stuck is now being released. Have a box of tissues to hand and have a good sob. It will make you feel better.Yes, even if you, like me, were brought up in a household that didn’t do ‘soppy’ stuff. In fact, this is the next layer of the onion peeling: beginning to recognise when and where we took on board our emotional habits. The younger we were at the time, the deeper will be that programmed behaviour and longer it will take to undo it. As you start on the journey, you’ll begin to notice the patterns: you always feel uncomfortable perhaps when you see a child being scolded, or hear a particular song.Such triggers will be very personal to you, so keep a diary and jot down anything that seem to bring on any strong emotion: anger or sadness, depression or despair. Then, when you’ve a few weeks or months’ worth, take your journal someone peaceful and read through it. Look to the trees, birds, river, grasses blowing in the wind: allow your mind to be transported back in time.So often it is not what just happened that is the cause of a strong emotion: that is merely the trigger: of something stuck in our sub-conscious because we didn’t express it at the time (probably for good reason). It’s never too late to have that cry or release your frustrations.Grrrr!And what about the anger? How can we really feel that in a constructive and healthy manner? Good question! We don’t get angry without good reason and knowing that reason is very much part of the EI process. But before we can analyse the reasons clearly, we need to feel it.At this point that peaceful country walk can turn into a sprint. A quiet potter about th e garden can become a rigorous weeding or pruning. Feel the anger. Allow it to express itself and thus be released. Once you’re feeling calmer, you can then ask yourself “what was that all about?†Give yourself time to reflect, allowing deeper insights, more buried memories and feeling to surface.If you live with others, it’s probably a good idea to warn them what you’re doing: make it clear that these are your emotions and not aimed at them. If they’re willing and able to act as a sounding board, to practice active listening with you, even better.But don’t worry if you’ve no-one close who can share these personal, intimate and often intense, journeys. You could find a life-guide, mentor or other therapist to help and support you, but there are others ways.DRAW, PAINT, WRITECreative art is a wonderful ally for the EQ process. But do remember that it is not the intent to produce ‘good’ art. Indeed, the whole point is to be spontaneous, to have no preconceived idea s as to what it is you’re aiming to produce. Which art form you choose is entirely up to you: if you have skills in one, better to choose another (otherwise your inner critic will want to judge and control the process). You may want to:Draw or paint. Tip: try wax crayons. These will immediately take you back to art as a youngster, before any rules or techniques. Spontaneity is the key. Let the picture create itself. This is you sub-conscious finally getting the chance to have its say!But dont worry if you dont have wax crayons, anything will do: basic pencil, ballpoint pen or treat yourself by going to a local store and buying whatever youre drawn to. It is worth remembering that we are all children at heart.Maybe you can try meditative drawing shown in this video. Likewise with creative writing: it doesn’t even matter if what you produce is legible, let along having correct spelling or punctuation. Prose or poem, story or doodle . . . deep inside you will be something that will relish the chance to see the light of day. Let it come. Let it flow. Let it out.If you’re tempted to analyse what you produced, then you may do so, but this is healing art rather than art therapy. The power is in the creation: no need to analyse.CHILDLIKE WONDERBeing emotionally intelligent is the difference between being childish and being childlike. When we are child-like then we are able to be spontaneous, to play, to see the magic and mystery in life: to be creative and allow things to happen, to explore, to wonder. All of which are positive things to be doing and its from these places that we can be creative in our work, in our art, in our relationship and in life generally.Being childish is when we are, let’s be honest here, being a nuisance: when we are just being selfish. For example, doing something just to get attention, when were doing whatever we’re doing in order to be awkward, being demanding.But if we are truly emotionally intelligent then hopefully we have gro wn out of childish tantrums. Because that is what improving our emotional intelligence is all about: growing up emotionally.We should try to live and work more child-like as discussed by Liz Wiseman. So the child that is growing through play is exploring their world; that is, allowing their play world to unfold, thats being childlike. Here, again, is where we can use drama: through storytelling, not just on paper but as an expression: role-play is a particularly powerful and useful thing in emotional intelligence development.This is the sort of thing you might do with a therapist, or fellow EI traveller: you might take the role of your mother or sibling, and somebody else would play you. Exploring a memory or situation from ‘the other’ perspective can be very powerful.ALWAYS THE PARENT OR ADULTAnother powerful technique is to recognise that within us we have many different characters; the many different roles and parts that we play in the course of our day-to-day lives. So, for example, if in our working day we are called upon to be particularly intense in a problem-solving and organising capacity, then our adult self will have been at hard stretch during the working day.Which is why we may feel the need to do something silly of an evening: watching a romcom, for example. But what if we dont know when to stop? What if we are always playing some role to fulfil someone elses expectation?Drama, role-play, playing games are all examples of where arts can really help us to reconnect to the different parts of ourselves. Last but by no means least lets not forget dance. Whether it is by taking waltz or tango classes or going to a nightclub and just bopping. Or perhaps the most intimate and useful emotionally intelligence use of dance is in our own lounge: to put on a bit of music that you’re intuitively drawn to and allow yourselves to express yourselves to it and with it.As with all other uses of arts for emotional intelligence improvement, there are no rules. It is not about creating a good dance or creating a good bit of art. You just need to give yourself permission to be free. To be Free: to dance, as the expression goes, like no-one is watching you.FREEDOM TO BE YOUR REAL SELFThink about it. Emotional intelligence is about being free of our conditioned reactions to things. It is about being free to be spontaneous, to be truly present, in tune with our own body. Once we are at peace with ourselves, there is a much greater chance of being able to tune into other people and to the unfolding of life.Of course there are other ways of reaching the state of being in tune, of being present. many of you may already be practising some form of mindfulness, meditations that help us with our awareness, with being connected to our true self, with the situation we find ourselves in.Thus to answer the question “how to be more emotionally intelligent?†or “how to become more emotionally intelligent?†(the two questions probably amounting to one and the same) we need to explore these different techniques for becoming more connected, more aware. This is what we will look at now.MINDFULNESS AND HEALINGBecoming more emotionally intelligent is really about reconnecting to our bodies, to our sub-conscious and to who we really are. Some call this deeper aspect of ourselves our inner or higher self, our core essence, soul or spirit.If those ideas make you uncomfortable then we’ve probably uncovered an underlying cause of poor emotional intelligence. How can we be at peace with the world if we are not at peace with ourselves? But who are you? Really? Deep down?It is thus useful to equate the process of growth of emotional intelligence with an emergence of our true self and a deep healing. Most of us are so full of conditioned ideas as to who we are and what we are (such as an Englishman or a painter, ‘sad’ or a prankster) that we spend all our time reacting through these labels: not exactly the natural response of the truly emotionally intelligent!Hence the need to:Reconnect to our real, inner, true selfReconnect to this facet of othersReconnect to the equivalent in the wider world; the ecosystem, the natural world, the seasons, etc…This is why you’ll see mention of eco-intelligence, social intelligence, cultural intelligence and so on. They are not separate nor different to emotional intelligence, just EI applied to particular sorts of relationships. Underlying each of these facets is the deeper intelligence that comes naturally through reconnecting ourselves.IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DO. . .There are numerous ways of doing this. And that’s part of the problem and of the solution: to not get caught up on the specific method or technique. Getting it right is about choosing an approach that works for you and throwing yourself into the process.Having an intent of relinquishing old ways of thinking and of reuniting different facets of yourself is going to reap far more rewards than religiously pr acticing any particular technique or doing something by rote.EI isn’t about box ticking or following instruction, often it’s the opposite: being willing and able to trust what the ‘still small voice of calm’ inside you is saying.And that is an on-going process and one an increasing number are committing to. Many parallel developments complement the EI/EQ journey: the rise in mindfulness practice for example. Whether you’re drawn to Eastern techniques and ancient wisdom or to the recent more scientific (Westernised) versions of mindfulness, it is the intent that matters. To step back from our emotional reactions and to see them for what they are: thoughts that we don’t need to get attached to.Likewise any meditation technique: the precise method isn’t important: the intent and commitment is. To focus on our breathing or candle flame is to take the focus of our conscious attention away from those thoughts and feelings that would otherwise go around and around inside our heads. By detaching from such thoughts we automatically allow ourselves to reconnect to deeper thoughts and feelings. That helps us both to demonstrate a higher EQ and to improve it: through making us more aware of what disturbs our natural sense of inner calm.But enough talk and theory! I’d like you now to reflect on all I’ve been saying. You could do this, for example, whilst going for a walk in nature or, if that’s not practical, watch the video below, filmed in my local aquarium. Just be with these wonderful sea creatures. Observe them, sense their energy. Avoid any temptation to name, label, describe or judge:Take your time. Whatever you do to reconnect to your real self, take time over it: do it frequently, do it spontaneously. Do it when the emotions start to take over.BUT I’VE TRIED. . .Some of you may be thinking, “but I’ve tried meditating. I’ve tried going for walks. It doesn’t make any difference; I still get wound up by the same old things†Join the cl ub: that’s perfectly normal!Many of our low EQ bad-habits stem back to habits we picked up as kids (such as not liking being told what to do, for example). Such reactions are hard-wired into how we think; it’s unlikely we can change them over-night or even over a few months of awareness.This is a long-term, on-going process. So be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself. Do that now:Give yourself a hug and say to yourself “I forgive youâ€. Such a simple thing to do and often extremely powerful.PRACTICE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, ANYWHEREBecause improving our EI is a long-term process and one that can be triggered (by what we see or hear) anytime, anyplace, anywhere, we need an approach that can be applied wherever we happen to be.One such technique is Reiki, or to be more accurate, the Usui System of Reiki Healing, after its founder (about 100 years ago in Japan) Mikao Usui. Often considered as an alternative/complementary therapy, Reiki is far more than that.Wh ilst you can go to your therapist and receive a Reiki treatment, its real value is in self-treatments: after a short course (typically 2 days, but also available on-line now) you can ‘give yourself a Reiki’. What Reiki does, naturally, is to reconnect you to your own intrinsic self-healing, sense-of-self and inner knowing.During a Reiki session our sense of calm is restored and we become aware of a ‘still small voice’ within. To do this amidst the usual clamour of society is a wonderful ability for EI: rather than react to things that annoy us, Reiki helps us to step back from getting even more angry or frustrated.It allows us to see the deeper truth behind a situation, to focus on our own inner healing and thus to connect to those we live and work amongst at a more honest and compassionate level.IN CONCLUSIONI hope, in the article, I’ve taken EI past the theory and brought it into real-life and practical focus. Because EI is about emotions, it often doesn’t help to get all analytical and rational. The only way to learn about your emotional self (and thus EI) is to tap into your real emotions. I hope I’ve enabled this process for you.About the guest authorKeith Beasley is a rare individual: he is both an artist and a scientist. Qualified as both a PhD and a Reiki Master he understands and embraces both the conventional ways in which we learn and the more magical, mystical ways that are equally part of being human. Keith can be contacted via his website.In 1987, before the phrase become popular, he authored an article on Emotional Quotient (EQ) in the British Mensa magazine. His intent then, as now, is not to categorise or attempt to measure EQ, but to encourage and enable us all to restore a healthy balance between IQ and EQ: head and heart.See here for his summary of what Emotional Intelligence is and why it’s important.
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